Transformational energy readings provide clarity and inspiration for all areas of your life. This reading can help to untangle confusing issues in your present situation and deep seeded baggage that you’ve been carrying for years. I can assist in isolating causes and guide you to potential solutions. Once you have soul-perspective and are in touch with energy from the Source, your life becomes clear, why things are happening, what you are attracting and pushing away, where it is all leading, and offer guidance on how to integrate this information into fulfillment.
I can assist you in dealing with grief, stress, loss, crisis, trouble in a relationship or at work. I work with business professionals, firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, anyone seeking to open up a new path for themselves through difficult times, or even just a time of questioning or confusion.
When you sit in my reading room or we connect on Skype, I see the dense energy of your physical form, the informational field that includes your history, current situation, and possible trajectories, and your divine aspect.
All is energy; your thoughts, feelings, history, and soul. They all interact to create the reality you experience in your everyday life. I connect with the interactions of all of your energies, grasping how they relate to one another and affect your life. I detect any ways in which you are out of alignment and focus on how you can correct this. This awareness brings about optimum spiritual health and well-being. Together, we uncover your energies and truths and help you leverage them to engage your purpose and potential
The more in alignment you can be with peace, beauty, creativity, joy, and vitality, the healthier and happier you become. In a reading with me I help you see the path towards realignment with your purpose and potential.
Everyone is talking about this time of flux and change. There are tremendous energies present on earth right now that you may or may not have felt. At times, it can feel as though everything in the Universe is stacked against you and that there is no path to freedom. It seems as though all the energy you are experiencing is negative and it feels oppressive and suffocating. Understanding and harnessing these energies can help you to overcome crisis, loss, hardship and propel you towards growth.
Moving forward, gaining an understanding of the energy you have and the energy of those around you will embolden you to journey onward, knowing full well what you are capable of. There is no hurt that cannot be healed, no mystery that’s true nature cannot be revealed, and no obstacle that is too big to overcome.
Helping you to tune into the deeper, unseen functions of the Universe is what I seek to do in your reading. This is a different path, a way to break free of the old ways and struggles you’ve been experiencing and grasp the multitudes of opportunities just at your fingertips.
All is energy; your thoughts, feelings, history, and soul. They all interact to create the reality you experience in your everyday life. I connect with the interactions of all of your energies, grasping how they relate to one another and affect your life. I detect any ways in which you are out of alignment and focus on how you can correct this. This awareness brings about optimum spiritual health and well-being. Together, we uncover your energies and truths and help you leverage them to engage your purpose and potential
The more in alignment you can be with peace, beauty, creativity, joy, and vitality, the healthier and happier you become. In a reading with me I help you see the path towards realignment with your purpose and potential.
If you’ve experienced a crisis (natural disaster, violent crime, etc.) or your profession requires that you live in or manage crisis on a regular basis (ER, police, firefighter, etc.) and you need to restore some sense of control and mastery to your life, a session with James Velasquez can help bring stability when you’ve become overwhelmed emotionally or have difficulty accessing coping skills. Often, crisis causes one to question their basic beliefs about themselves or the world (ex. “I can keep myself safe” or “people are generally good”).
Readings with James can provide a bridge to stability by providing emotional support and concrete feedback.
After establishing the nature of the crisis or stress James begins the transformational reading and begins to identify the resulting problems. By reading your energies He can help you to discover and develop a plan of action, exploring all alternatives to give you a fuller picture and ability to process the complex thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing.
James focuses on both the short and long term when assisting you in your time of need, helping you move towards mastery of self. If additional resources are necessary James does his best to connect you with the appropriate supports that exist in your area.
Losing someone important to you can feel unbearable. Processing grief and loss can be very difficult. There can be anxiety, helplessness, anger, and sadness. This is common and normal. While the emotions will pass, you can seek help to process. James Velasquez is experienced at providing transformational readings to those experiencing a loss or grief. The clarity provided by James’ readings can help you through the period of adjustment that occurs after a loss and the ensuing emotions. He is always respectful of your feelings and gives you the space to express yourself.
If you’re having trouble coping with daily life or your emotions are overwhelming you, going in for a Transformational Energy reading in James’ office or connecting via Skype can help you to overcome your struggle and settle into a routine. The guidance provided can be the bridge back to where you’d like to be.
In relationships, sometimes things don’t run smoothly. Conflicting expectations, outside issues, or difficulty expressing yourself to your significant other can all make sweet harmony turn dissonant. A couple’s reading with James Velasquez can be just what your relationship needs to overcome its hurdles. By coming in together, separately, or a combination of the two, James is able to provide the clarity and insight to help you navigate troubled waters. By approaching the situation as a team, it can help to relieve some of the stress and anxiety surrounding your relationship issues.
Couple’s readings are charged at the same rate as solo sessions.
We all have moments or even long periods of time where you don’t feel yourself, question what you’re doing, or are unclear on what path to take. Your Life’s Direction is here to help provide you with just that. Where are you going, where have you been, which path should you take. James Velasquez began giving Energy readings at the age of 10 and has been on a mission to help people ever since.
If you’re struggling with relationships, loss, work and life balance, or are simply confused about what decisions you should be making to move forward to where you want to go (or if you aren’t even sure about where you want to go), call James at 210-315-2417.
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